What DealsAdept website is and how it works?
A comprehensive selection of deals & discounts from the Amazon website.
With the help of a modern technology stack, the DealsAdept bot checks Amazon deals and discounts every 24h. Usually, it finds a couple of thousands of deals distributed across categories, which you can see in the menu on the left. So, every time you visit our website, you can be sure there will be hundreds of new exciting deals.
Narrow your search
But it’s not limited to only found deals and discounts you already see. Using DealsAdept, you can narrow your search for specific deals by entering keywords into the search field.
Here are the steps for finding specific discounts:
- Select the category on the left. If it has a sub-category, it will be opened on click. In this case, select the sub-category item. For example, let’s click Beauty & Personal care, next click Fragrance.
- You will be presented with lots of deals
- But imagine we would like to check if Amazon has discounts for the specific fragrance
- Head over to the top and type, for example, tom ford
- No need to add semicolons or quotes
- Click the search button
- After a couple of seconds, you will be presented with the list of discounts only for the Tom Ford fragrances
- Awesome, don’t you think?
DealsAdept also works on your mobile
Would you like to have a personal discounts bot at your fingertips all the time? Install our mobile application. Here is how to do this:
Step 1: Head over to your mobile browser and open our website

Step 2: If you’re using iPhone (on Android phones should be similar), click the sharing icon and choose from the list – Add to Home Screen (later you will be able to move the icon to the place you need as any other icon on your phone).

Step 3: You will be presented with a confirmation popup – click Add

Step 4: That’s it – DealsAdept is on your mobile